
#23 近況報告



おゆき – お盆やすみ –

  • I had a Obon Holiday from August 10th to 15th.
    – Obon is the summer event that people welcome the spirits of their ancestors back home.
    – Most of the company will be closed during this time, which is around August 15th, and everyone will go back to their hometown or parent’s home to visit their ancestors’ graves.
  • I met my friends who came back to their hometown and also went on a short trip to Kagawa with my husband.
  • Unfortunately, a large typhoon was approaching western Japan, so we couldn’t go to a Setouchi Island which we planned to visit.
  • Instead, we visited the Takamatsu Art Museum and stopped by at furniture stores. We really had a great time.
  • During this trip, we went to Takeuchi Shokudo and had a “Kashiwa butter bowl” which is like saute of chicken and we had that for lunch.
  • I was surprised that the sign was saying “Free curry”!
  • side dishes
  • additional charge
  • to go

ゆうき – 妊娠について –

  • As I mentioned before, I am currently pregnant. And it’s my first pregnancy.
  • My due date is in October and I am in the third trimester.
  • Since I started to have a regular prenatal checkup, I noticed some differences between Japan and here in Québec.
  • First of all, the length of pregnancy is different. Technically, the number of weeks is the same. But in Japan, you considered 10months is as in total, well here, it’s 9months.
  • For the cost of giving birth in Québec, it’s all free if you are eligible for the Québec Health Insurance.
  • Usually, ultrasounds will be taken twice. It’s less than Japan, though others like blood tests, urine analyses, screening tests are the same.
  • The length of stay in the hospital after birth is short. Usually, it’s one or two days.
  • Besides that, there’s some difference in weight gain, food recommendations, but it’s understandable because of our lifestyle is different.
  • gynecologist
  • obstetrician
  • midwife
  • epidural anesthesia
  • caesarean/ C-section
  • contraction

