Education system
- Provincial and territorial governments set up and run their own school systems.
- school board:教育委員会
- department of education:教育省
- Education is compulsory in all Canadian provinces for at least 10 years.
- compulsory education:義務教育期間
- Basic public education is free for residents of Canada until the 11th or 12th grade, depending on the province.
- residents of Canada:カナダ在住の人
- tuition:学費
- scholarship:奨学金
- cegep:ケベック州独自の教育機関
From primary education to secondary education to university
- Early childhood education:幼児教育
- primary/kindergarten/pre-school
- garderie
- Elementary education:初等教育
- primary/elementary
- Intermediate education:中等教育
- secondary/intermediate/junior high/junior secondary
- Secondary education:中高等教育
- secondary/senior high/high school
- Tertiary education:第三次教育
- vocational:職業訓練
- collage (cegep)
- certificate program (1 year or less)
- diploma (2 or 3 years) associate Degree:準学士
- university
- undergraduate (bachelor’s degree):学部生(学士)
- graduate (master’s degree):大学院生(修士)
- postgraduate (Ph.D):大学院生(博士)
- Elementary and secondary education – Canada.ca
- ABOUT EDUCATION IN CANADA – French Immersion School – Collège Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pocatière
- 理想に描いてた家を見つけたよ。ご縁があったに違いない
- I found my dream home. It must be fate.
- ご縁がなかった
- It was not meant to be.